Our Journey - God's Direction


Sunday, October 22, 2006

Texans vs Jaguars

group photo in stadium

Texans vs. Jaguars

Today we witnessed something that comes about as often as Haley’s comet. The Texans won another game! Ha ha, anyway we went to Reliant Stadium today with Melissa’s dad and brother-in-law. We had a great time and really enjoyed the beautiful weather God provided as the roof was open and their was a crispness in the air that when you breathed in deeply it made you really feel alive. One of the most memorable moments for us was at halftime when the place-kicker for the Jaguars came out early while the Katy Tiger Band known as the "Roarin band from Tigerland" was still on the field. Incredibly, he set up his tee at about the 35 yard line and proceeded to take kicking practice while the band was still on the field in the middle of their performance. As we watched, the band circled around and while the place-kicker began to step off to prepare to kick the band crossed right in front of the ball and he had to sidestep the instruments coming right at him!! The crowd loved it and began laughing and cheering that they “blocked” his attempt to kick the ball. The picture above was taken from with Melissa's cellphone so the quality is not that great. Enjoy!


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